Frontier technologies are redefining the world

News & Event

Mar 03, 2023

Frontier technologies are redefining the world

Frontier technologies at work. Innovation brings change and can affect the labour market, affecting profits, jobs, and wages. Its impact will depend on several factors such as productive structure, demographic makeup, levels of development and social and economic policies.

One of the major concerns today is the impact of AI and robotics combined with big data and IoT, the report explains. The risk could be that technologies will replace certain jobs and encourage the growth of the gig economy associated with low wages and job insecurity. Another fear is the risk of widening the already existing technological gap with developing countries, thus creating more global inequality.

Innovation with equity. Frontier technologies can contribute to people’s safety and the protection of the environment. AI and big data have, for example, been used during the pandemic to monitor outbreaks, track and trace cases, and assess risks of infection.


Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority
ICT Tower (9th Floor), E-14/X,Agargaon, Dhaka-1207