Activities & Impact

Environmental Action Plan

Environmental Action Plan (EAP): Under EAP an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) has prepared to minimize or avoid high and medium ranked adverse environmental impacts as identified in the EIA during three implementation stages of project,- Pre-construction, -Construction, and Operation Maintenance.
  • Dredged Material Management Plan- Dust management- Top Soil Stripping, Storage and Reuse- Noise and vibration management- Emergency Response Plan
  • Development of Hydro-meteorological station
  • Community Environmental Management Plan of Resettlement Sites (RS)
  • Tree Plantation and Greenbelt Development Plan.
  • Biodiversity Management Plan (Wildlife baseline monitoring including hilsha fish and Dolphin migration monitoring)- Padma protected Sanctuary, Development of Visitor center- Resettlement Action plans- Public Health Action Plan
  • Income and livelihood Restoration Plan
  • Formation of Environmental Enhancement Fund.

Resettlement Action Plan

Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs) was prepared to address and mitigate the adverse impacts on life’s and livelihood of the Affected Persons (APs) due to acquisition/requisition of lands for the SHIFT Project
  • Aggrieved APs may apply to Grievance Redress Committee (GRC). Two level grievance redress committees are formed in PMBP, such as Local level GRC and Project level Independent GRC. The committees hear, review and resolve the cases related to social/resettlement/ environmental issues.



Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority
ICT Tower (9th Floor), E-14/X,Agargaon, Dhaka-1207